型号GC-A特性及应用: GC-A系列为无轴承支撑滚柱式单向离合器,外部尺寸与标准轴承尺寸相同。使用时需要配合轴承安装以承受轴向负载与径向负载。出厂时已加注润滑脂。 标准安装方式为GC-A系列均排放在轴承旁,相同的位置,相同的公差要求。内环,外环与机件用键联结。 常用与包装,印刷,食品,医疗,纺织.化工以及提升机,输送机等机械设备上。 Description: Type GC-A is a roller type freewheel non-bearing supported. Nominal outside diameter is a standard ball bearing dimension. Bearings are required to support axial and radial loads. Units are delivered grease lubricated. Standard arrangement is to install this type alongside a bearing with the same housing diameter tolerance.The inner race and outer race are keyed to the shaft. This series extensive used in machinery system of conveyer, hosting, packing, papermaking, weaving, chemical, medical ,food and so on. 型号GC-A安装参考范例