川代机械轴承网 川代机械配件网

上海川代轴承机械有限公司 新闻动态  2025-3-29

ID 0.3125 to 34.0000 in. (7.937 to 863.600 mm) 身份证0.3125至34.0000英寸( 7.937至863.600毫米)
OD 1.2595 to 41.7323 in. (31.991 to 1060.000 mm ) 执行处1.2595至41.7323英寸( 31.991至1060.000毫米)

Design attributes: 设计属性:

  • Single cone and cup 单牙轮及杯
  • One-piece pressed steel cage retains rollers on the cone and spaces them evenly 一体式压钢保持架滚子保留了对锥和空间,他们平均

Potential applications: vehicle front wheels, differential and pinion configurations; conveyor rolls; machine tool spindles; trailer wheels 潜在应用:汽车前轮驱动,差动齿轮和配置;输送辊;机床纱锭;拖车车轮

TS (pin-type cage) 的ts ( pin型笼)
ID 6.0000 to 67.0000 in. (152.400 to 1701.800 mm) 身份证6.0000至67.0000英寸( 152.400 ,以1701.800毫米)
OD 12.1250 to 80.0000 in. (307.975 to 2032.000 mm) 露天引爆12.1250至80.0000英寸( 307.975 ,以2032.000毫米)

Design attributes: 设计属性:

  • Additional rollers accommodate larger loads 额外的辊容纳较大的载荷
  • Cage features two rings at each end of the rollers 笼子特点两只戒指在每月底的滚筒
  • Cage pins are threaded in the center of each roller and welded at the ends 笼脚线程在该中心的每一个轧辊和焊接在两端

Potential applications: larger-load automotive and industrial equipment configurations  潜在的应用:大负荷汽车和工业设备配置

TSF (flanged cup) 口服.10 d (法兰杯)
ID 0.3125 to 50.0000 in. (7.937 to 1270.000 mm) 身份证0.3125至50.0000英寸( 7.937至1270.000毫米)
OD 1.2595 to 56.5000 in. (31.991 to 1435.100 mm) 执行处1.2595至56.5000英寸( 31.991至1435.100毫米)

Design attributes:Flange on cup OD front face 设计属性:法兰杯的od前脸

  • Cup is backed against flange face to allow housing to be through-bored for accurate alignment of housing bores and reduced machining costs 世界杯背后对法兰面,让房屋被大直钻孔,以便准确对准房屋孔,并降低加工费用

Potential applications: machine tool spindles, gear reduction units, automotive transaxles and transmissions 潜在的应用:机床纱锭,齿轮减单位,汽车transaxles和传输系统

TSRB (snap ring cup) tsrb (提前响杯)
ID 0.8750 to 4.6250 in. (22.225 to 117.475 mm) 身份证0.8750至4.6250英寸( 22.225至117.475毫米)
OD 2.2500 to 7.1250 in. (57.150 to 180.975 mm) 执行处2.2500至7.1250英寸( 57.150至180.975毫米)

Design attributes: 设计属性:

  • Basic TSF design with groove to accommodate a snap ring instead of flange 口服.10 d基本设计与凹槽,以容纳提前响而不法兰
  • Can be ordered with or without snap ring 可以订购或无提前响

Potential applications: machine tool spindles, gear reduction units, automotive transaxles and transmissions 潜在的应用:机床纱锭,齿轮减单位,汽车transaxles和传输系统

TSHR (Hydra-Rib™) tshr (水螅肋™ )
ID 1.9685 to 10.6299 in. (50.000 to 270.000 mm) 身份证1.9685至10.6299英寸( 50.000至270.000毫米)
OD 4.0945 to 14.7638 in. (104.000 to 375.000 mm) 执行处4.0945至14.7638英寸( 104.000 ,以375.000毫米)

Design attributes: 设计属性:

  • Single-row assembly with floating outer race (cup) rib 单排装配浮动外圈(杯)的肋骨
  • Floating rib contacts rollers through hydraulic or pneumatic pressure 浮肋接触辊通过液压或气动压力
  • Allows preload settings to be obtained and maintained over a wide range of speeds and loads 允许预紧设置,以获得和保持广泛的速度和负载

Potential applications:  潜在的应用:

TSK (keyway cone) 的tsk (键槽锥)
ID 0.7210 to 19.6250 in. (18.721 to 498.475 mm) 身份证0.7210至19.6250英寸( 18.721至498.475毫米)
OD 1.9380 to 24.9950 in. (49.225 to 634.873 mm) 执行处1.9380至24.9950英寸( 49.225至634.873毫米)

Design attributes: 设计属性:

  • TS bearing design with a cone that features a keyway or keyways 的ts轴承设计与锥体采用了键槽或keyways
  • Keyways prevent the bearing from rotating on the shaft keyways防止轴承从旋转对轴

Potential applications: automotive or industrial rotating shaft applications where it is not practical to use an interference fit 潜在应用:汽车或工业转轴申请,在不实用的地方使用干涉配合

TSL (with DUO FACE-PLUS™ seals) tsl公司(与两人面对面加™公章)
ID 0.7500 to 2.6875 in. (19.050 to 68.262 mm) 身份证0.7500至2.6875英寸( 19.050至68.262毫米)
OD 1.7810 to 4.3307 in. (45.237 to 110 mm) 执行处1.7810至4.3307英寸( 45.237至110毫米)

Design attributes: 设计属性:

  • TS design with a seal pressed onto the cone rib OD 的ts设计有封条压到肋骨锥的od
  • One seal lip operates in the housing bore while the other seals against the cup face 其中一个密封唇运作房屋膛,而其他密封件对杯面

Potential applications: Moderate- to low-speed automotive and industrial applications 潜在的应用:中度至低速汽车和工业应用

TSU (UNIT-BEARING™) 台联党(单位-轴承™ )
ID 1.811 to 1.7717 in. (30.000 to 45.000 mm) 身份证1.811至1.7717英寸( 30.000至45.000毫米)
OD 2.2835 to 3.1496 in. (58.000 to 80.000 mm) 执行处2.2835至3.1496英寸( 58.000至80.000毫米)

Design attributes: 设计属性:

  • Self-contained, unitized assembly 设施齐备, unitized大会
  • Manages heavy radial loads and thrust loads in either direction 管理着沉重的径向负荷和推力负荷要么方向

Potential applications: automotive rear wheels, transmissions, gear reduction units, industrial equipment 潜在应用:汽车后轮,变速器,齿轮减单位,工业设备

TXR (crossed roller bearing) txr (交叉滚子轴承)
ID 8.0000 to 97.0000 in. (203.200 to 2463.800 mm) 身份证8.0000至97.0000英寸( 203.200 ,以2463.800毫米)
OD 11.0000 to 111.0000 in. (279.400 to 2819.400 mm) 露天引爆11.0000至111.0000英寸( 279.400 ,以2819.400毫米)

Design attributes: 设计属性:

  • Provides benefits of two-row bearings in single-row space 提供的好处,两排轴承单排空间
  • Withstands high overturning moments 经受住高翻转的时刻
  • Combines the compactness of a single-row bearing with the stability of a two-row bearing 结合了紧凑的单排轴承与稳定的两排轴承

Potential applications: vertical boring mills, vertical grinding machines and other machine tools 潜在的应用:立式镗磨,立式磨床等机床

TIMKEN 各形状2现货供应,如有需要请及时联系我们。上海川代轴承机械有限公司同时销售 NLJ1TN, KR 72 PPA, 2318-M-C3, GCU53768MM, 7001ATYDFC7P5, KLFXS223, M1040EX, MSN5315EX, 60BNR19XE, SDM25YAJ, 23228EW33 F, SMSK12UU-E, SMF20W, G1697-C, CR 35X47X6 HMSA7 R, R1622-113-20, 51316, U1218L, FNYBU08, NU 321 EMJ30, R1512 340 14, BNF5, 419/414, GR-104-N, C35K2-1116轴径2.6875(in), SPB-12-OPN, S2S16, NUP321JV密封盖, PB1-SR6ZZ, LTB-KQSG-KTB-25, 以上为我司部分轴承型号,如需查找其他型号,可登陆我们的现货中心栏目或致电021-52797858转8008进行详细查询,谢谢!
,我们还提供其相关技术信息包括 支承滚轮, 新到一部份库存, THK 交叉滚子导轨 VRT/VRU型, 单向离合器 型号 GC-A, MS14104-9 ANC-9TG ANC-9T MS14104-8 ANC-8TG ANC-8T MS14101-12 MS14104-12 ANC-12TG ANC-12TANC-3TG ANC-3T MS14101-3 MS14104-3, 满滚针BH-59、BH-88、BH-812、BH-1012、BH-1412、BH-1416、BH-1616、BH-1812、BH-2012, R072001689、R072032089、R072032589、R072034089, VB-216、VB-224、VB-219接触密封和防尘盖, PEU355 孔径 3-7/16 、 PEU356 孔径 3-1/2 、 PEU363 孔径 3-15/16, JNS日本 RNAF101710、RNAF102012、RNAF122212, 固定螺钉锁定ST-204、ST-12、ST-205、ST-20R、ST-23、ST-208, ZAFS6115、ZAFS6203、ZAFS6215, PLY323N、PLY319N、PLY335N、PLY343N, FEU3K35、FEU3K31、FEU3K27、FEU3K55, 12×37×7HMS5RG、14×24×7HMS5RG, 我们能针对客户的需求提供各种技术服务,具体详细信息请联系川代轴承全国客服热线021-52797858转8008询价,我们将为您提供专业详细的服务。如需查找其他型号,可登陆我们的现货中心栏目或致电021-52797858转8008询价进行详细查询,谢谢!

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上海川代轴承机械有限公司 技术支持:Freedesign



