R1512 470 13轴承尺寸规格 |
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Part numbers (TNR) |
R1512 470 13 |
Size d0 x P x Dw - i |
40 x 20R x 6 - 3 |
Category |
A (always stocked) |
Can be replaced in these sizes by FSZ-E-S | |
C [N] |
37900 |
C0 stat. [N] |
62800 |
vmax [m/min] |
75 |
See additional information "Technical Notes" chapter Characteristic speed d0*n and additional information "Design Calculations" chapter Critical speed ncr | |
d1 [mm] |
38 |
d2 [mm] |
33.8 |
D1 g6 [mm] |
63 |
D5 [mm] |
95 |
Hole pattern |
BB4 |
D6 [mm] |
78 |
D7 [mm] |
9 |
Type |
BF1 |
L [mm] |
88 |
L3 [mm] |
15 |
L4 [mm] |
25 |
L10 [mm] |
73 |
S [mm] |
M8x1 |
Lube port machining: flat surface L3 ≤ 13 mm, countersink L3 > 14 mm. For size 8 x 2.5, a funnel-type lube nipple DIN 3405 is provided. | |
φ [°] |
30 |
m [kg] |
1.54 |
Product group info |
Standard series Rexroth mounting dimensions With standard seals With left-hand thread in some versions Reinforced seals, see catalog R310DE 3301 With backlash, reduced backlash, preload 2%; 3%; 5% For precision-rolled screws SN-R of tolerance grade T5, T7, T9 Note:The Front Lube Unit is only available for right-hand screw threads. When setting up applications, do not allow components to collide with the Front Lube Unit. |
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近期推荐轴承型号R1512 470 13,
DBW 30 A2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4,
Rexroth-STAR精密轴承品牌介绍: |
德国博世力士乐(BOSCH REXROTH STAR)滚珠导轨导向系统是特别为机床和工业机器人而研制的,这种结构紧凑,滚珠支撑的直线导向系统分为不同的精度等级,并且具有极高的承载能力和很高的刚度。结构紧凑的组装单元有八种市场上常见的规格,在所有四个主要承载方向上具有高的额定载荷。STAR导轨和滑块在滚道区均采用独有精密加工,可以在同意精度等级内任意组合。甚至可以与滚柱导轨导向系统进行全面互换。包括STAR滑块系列,STAR导轨系列等。 |
上海川代轴承机械有限公司专业销售Rexroth-STAR精密轴承 R1512 470 13轴承,Rexroth-STAR精密轴承品牌供应商,我们为您提供R1512 470 13的具体的规格参数及报价,本公司同时销售包括Rexroth-STAR精密轴承品牌在内的多种进口轴承,包括深沟球轴承、自动调心球轴承、角接触球轴承、圆柱滚子轴承、滚针轴承、球面滚子轴承、推力轴承、Y-轴承、滚轮轴承,直线轴承,滑动轴承,轴承箱及各种精密机械部件等产品,目前公司拥有现货库存、快捷的物流体系、能在较短的时间内为用户解决轴承的配套供应和提供个性化服务。
欢迎垂询Rexroth-STAR精密轴承 R1512 470 13轴承价格和库存信息。咨询热线:021-52797858转8008询价 |