0442-813-01轴承尺寸规格 |
STAR – Ball Rail Systems, miniature version Runner Blocks Miniature runner blocks 0442- All steel parts are made of rust and acid resistant material similar to DIN 17230 / EN 10088. Runner blocks are supplied on mandrels. Part numbers for runner blocks Standard seals: low-friction seals. Part numbers: 0442-...-01 (see table) Special versions: Runner blocks are also available: – with N seals (excellent wiping action). Sizes 15 and 20 have additional longitudinal seals for full sealing. Part numbers: 0442-...-00 (otherwise as per table) – without basic lubrication for individual lubrication. - with N seals and longitudinal seals Part numbers: 0442-...-40 (otherwise as per table) - with low-friction seals Part numbers: 0442-...-41 (otherwise as per table) Take frictional drag of the respective seals into account. See chapter “Technical Data”, section “Friction and seals”. Note on dynamic load capacities and moments (see table) The dynamic load capacities and moments are based on 100,000 m travel. However, a travel of just 50,000 m is often taken as a basis. If this is the case, for comparison purposes: Multiply values C , Mt and ML from the STAR table by 1.26. Size Accuracy Part numbers for runner blocks class Clearance Preload 9 1 P – 0442-712-01 7 H 0442-793-01 0442-713-01 N 0442-794-01 – P – 0442-812-01 9/M3 H 0442-893-01 0442-813-01 N 0442-894-01 – P – 0442-912-01 9/M2 H 0442-993-01 0442-913-01 N 0442-994-01 – P – 0442-212-01 12 H 0442-293-01 0442-213-01 N 0442-294-01 – P – 0442-512-01 15 H 0442-593-01 0442-513-01 N 0442-594-01 – P – 0442-012-01 201) H 0442-093-01 0442-013-01 N 0442-094-01 – 1) In preparation Ordering example 1: Runner block size 12, accuracy class P, preloaded, standard seals Ordering data: 0442-212-01 Ordering example 2: Runner block size 7, accuracy class H, clearance, N seals Ordering data: 0442-793-00 Ordering example 3: Runner block size 15, accuracy class H, preloaded, N seals and longitudinal seals, no basic lubrication Ordering data: 0442-513-40 Ordering example 4: Runner block size 9/M3, accuracy class N, clearance, standard seals, no basic lubrication Ordering data: 0442-894-41 |
0442-813-01产品详细图片: |
Rexroth-STAR精密轴承品牌介绍: |
德国博世力士乐(BOSCH REXROTH STAR)滚珠导轨导向系统是特别为机床和工业机器人而研制的,这种结构紧凑,滚珠支撑的直线导向系统分为不同的精度等级,并且具有极高的承载能力和很高的刚度。结构紧凑的组装单元有八种市场上常见的规格,在所有四个主要承载方向上具有高的额定载荷。STAR导轨和滑块在滚道区均采用独有精密加工,可以在同意精度等级内任意组合。甚至可以与滚柱导轨导向系统进行全面互换。包括STAR滑块系列,STAR导轨系列等。 |
上海川代轴承机械有限公司专业销售Rexroth-STAR精密轴承 0442-813-01轴承,Rexroth-STAR精密轴承品牌供应商,我们为您提供0442-813-01的具体的规格参数及报价,本公司同时销售包括Rexroth-STAR精密轴承品牌在内的多种进口轴承,包括深沟球轴承、自动调心球轴承、角接触球轴承、圆柱滚子轴承、滚针轴承、球面滚子轴承、推力轴承、Y-轴承、滚轮轴承,直线轴承,滑动轴承,轴承箱及各种精密机械部件等产品,目前公司拥有现货库存、快捷的物流体系、能在较短的时间内为用户解决轴承的配套供应和提供个性化服务。
欢迎垂询Rexroth-STAR精密轴承 0442-813-01轴承价格和库存信息。咨询热线:021-52797858转8008询价 |