RCB-121616-FS单向离合滚针轴承轴承尺寸规格 |
DIMENSIONS AND RATINGS Fw D C Clutch and Bearing Torque Z Bearing Bore O.D. Width Assembly Designation Rating Minimum O.D. of Basic Dynamic Bearing Overrun † Steel Housing Load Rating § Working Limiting with with for Rated Torque Cr ISO Load Speed 0.000 +0,00 Stainless Integral 281 (nominal) (nominal) -0.010 -0,25 Steel Springs Springs T (max) inch mm inch mm inch mm lbf • in. inch mm lbf lbf lbf rpm 0.31 8 0.47 12 0.866 22 FCBL-8K — 29 0.67 17 523 717 344 28 700 0.31 8 0.55 14 0.787 20 FCB-8 — 35.8 0.79 20 541 742 322 30 500 3⁄8 9,52 5⁄8 15,88 0.875 22,22 RCB-061014-FS* RCB-061014 45.4 0.88 22 848 1 160 566 25 300 0.39 10 0.63 16 0.787 20 FCB-10 — 50.4 0.98 25 628 861 388 23 700 0.47 12 0.71 18 1.024 26 FCB-12 — 118 1.1 28 882 1 210 634 19 300 1⁄2 12,70 3⁄4 19,05 0.875 22,22 RCB-081214-FS* RCB-081214 73.6 1.1 28 1 020 1 400 720 18 700 5⁄8 15,88 7⁄8 22,22 1.000 25,40 RCB-101416-FS* RCB-101416 143 1.2 30 1 140 1 560 914 14 700 0.63 16 0.87 22 1.024 26 FCB-16 — 182 1.2 30 951 1 300 742 14 000 3⁄4 19,05 1 25,40 1.000 25,40 RCB-121616-FS* RCB-121616 196 1.4 36 1 270 1 740 1 030 11 300 0.79 20 1.02 26 1.024 26 FCB-20 — 274 1.5 38 1 180 1 610 974 10 700 0.98 25 1.26 32 1.181 30 FCB-25 — 605 1.8 46 1 580 2 170 1 350 8 670 1 25,40 1 5⁄16 33,34 1.063 27 RCB-162117-FS* RCB-162117 412 1.9 48 2 240 3 060 1 890 8 670 1.18 30 1.46 37 1.181 30 FCB-30 — 845 2.0 51 1 620 2 210 1 510 7 330 * Suffix “-FS” is not always stamped on the clutch cup. Type RC-FS with stainless steel springs is always readily identified by RED clutch cage. † Torque ratings are given in pound force inches: 1 lbf • in = 0.113 N • m = 0.0115 kgf • m § Bearing load ratings are given in pounds-force: 1 lbf = 0.454 kgf = 4.448N. For single roller path use one-half the listed rating. T Symbol denotes Basic Dynamic Load Rating to be used in load-life calculations taking into consideration the application guidelines and limitations given in this catalog. Applications involving loads approaching this rating or the tabulated working load, whichever is the smaller, should be referred to your Engineering Sales Office before a final selection is made. Load Ratings are based on a minimum raceway hardness of 58 HRC or equivalent. |
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TORRINGTON托林顿品牌介绍: |
TORRINGTON公司主要生产包括TORR球面滚子轴承,TORR滚针轴承,TORR重型滚针轴承,TORR支承滚轮滚针轴承,TORR飞机机架滚针轴承,TORR推力滚针等高端产品。 |
上海川代轴承机械有限公司专业销售TORRINGTON托林顿 RCB-121616-FS单向离合滚针轴承轴承,TORRINGTON托林顿品牌供应商,我们为您提供RCB-121616-FS单向离合滚针轴承的具体的规格参数及报价,本公司同时销售包括TORRINGTON托林顿品牌在内的多种进口轴承,包括深沟球轴承、自动调心球轴承、角接触球轴承、圆柱滚子轴承、滚针轴承、球面滚子轴承、推力轴承、Y-轴承、滚轮轴承,直线轴承,滑动轴承,轴承箱及各种精密机械部件等产品,目前公司拥有现货库存、快捷的物流体系、能在较短的时间内为用户解决轴承的配套供应和提供个性化服务。
欢迎垂询TORRINGTON托林顿 RCB-121616-FS单向离合滚针轴承轴承价格和库存信息。咨询热线:021-52797858转8008询价 |